Remeber sshCommand remote, remote infos have identityFile. identityFile need be at insdie identity.
Don’t understand identity be keep. Only can be used inside identity
def getRemoteHost(ip, user) { def remote = [:] = ip = ip remote.user = user remote.identityFile = identity remote.port = 22 remote.allowAnyHosts = true return remote } pipeline { agent any environment { ssh_ip = '' ssh_user = 'ubuntu' ssh_jenkins_key_uid = 'oooooooo-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-oooooooooooo' // SSH_CREDS = credentials('oooooooo-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-oooooooooooo') } stages { stage('ssh Command'){ steps { withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: "${ssh_jenkins_key_uid}", keyFileVariable: 'identity')]) { sshCommand remote: getRemoteHost(ssh_ip, ssh_user), command: "echo" //在远程服务器执行echo命令 } } } } } def runCommand(cmd) { def remote = [:] remote.