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freenas cifs slow

https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/slow-transfer-speeds-via-cifs.39867/ https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/cifs-directory-browsing-slow-try-this.27751/ -–CIFS–Advance mode—-Auxiliary Parameters:————- store dos attributes = no map system = no -———————————————————————- Jumbo Frame enable -———————————————————————- In BSD the CFIS implementation is only single threaded -———————————————————————- Omni-OS + Napp-it for great iSCSI and CIFS performance A multithreaded kernel based alternative to SAMBA is Solaris CIFS in Oracle Solaris, OmniOS or NexentaStor OmniOS is currently SMB1 Nexenta and Solaris 11.3 is SMB 2.1. Most feature rich is Solaris 11.


https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/use-root-login-cifs-access-is-denied.21233/ I fixed the issue by changing root’s password via the WebGUI. To do this: 1. Go to the “Accounts” page 2. Click on the “Users” tab 3. Locate and select the user “root” 4. Click on the “Modify” button located at the bottom of the page and a dialogue window will open 5. Enter a password, twice, and click on the Save? button located at the bottom of the dialogue window


1、backup /opt/lamp/etc/extra/httpd-xampp.conf or /opt/lamp/etc/extra/ any conf be edited /opt/lamp/etc/php.ini /opt/lamp/etc/httpd.conf any conf、ini or your edit file backup . 2、download xampp newst install sh then install again 3、Don’t copy backup file overwrite old ini conf file use note++ to compare different, then change or no change. 4、finish try to ./lamp restart ==================================== Maybe other way You can see /opt/lampp/properties.ini maybe use apt-get install php or mysql, then change this path, then restart……I Not Sure can or not.



Sue boy

Sueboy Can support You

