In liveiwre word some button action and alpine @click action be clicked, livewire 3 update (ajax) is different your think.


    public $test_input=1;

    public function tt()


        <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-3 g-4" x-data>
            <form wire:submit="tt">
                <input type="text" wire:model='test_input'>
                <button type="submit">form type=submit</button> {{-- // update (ajax) --}}
                <button type="button">form type=button</button> {{-- // No update (ajax) --}}

                <button wire:click='tt; $wire.test_input=3;'>form wire:click</button> {{-- // update (ajax) and run twice --}}
                <button @click='$; $wire.test_input=3;'>form @click</button> {{-- // update (ajax) and run twice --}}

            <button type="submit">out form type=submit</button> {{-- // No update (ajax) --}}
            <button type="button">out form type=button</button> {{-- // No update (ajax) --}}

            <button wire:click='tt; $wire.test_input=3;'>out form wire:click</button> {{-- // update (ajax)  --}}
            <button @click='$; $wire.test_input=3;'>out form @click</button> {{-- // update (ajax)  --}}

So be careful and try to understand

  1. what time public variable have value or be set value
  2. run twice, not run one.