Now check again….


Can only

  "index_patterns": ["filebeat*"],  
  "settings": {  
    "number_of_shards": 1  
  "mappings": {  
  "doc": {  
   "properties": {  
    "geoip.location": {  
     "type": "geo_point"  
    "geoip.coordinates": {  
     "type": "geo_point"  

Here Import: “location” is Error, Must “geoip.location”

But sometime why no use, because my way insert index-pattern, so geoip.location no field, always is  and geoip.location.lon overwrtie.

see 2.

2、index-pattern  index-pattern-export.json

one way just try to put


and remove  and geoip.location.lon .

When put template, index in kibana index Patterns delete is NO Use. Must delete in Dev Tools

DELETE filebeat-6.4.2-2018.11.19

GET _cat/indices?v
GET _cat/indices?v&s=index

check exist or not. Then import data again, index recreate, then apply template.